Kevin Hess

Owner, Harford Air Services, LLC / Co-Owner, Harford County Airport
- Certified Airframe and Power Plant Mechanic (A&P)
- Certified Inspection Authorization (IA)
- Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
- Certified Flight Instructor (CFII)
- Tailwheel Instructor
Kevin, a Harford County native, began his flight career while at Salem College, West VA in 1985. While a pilot here at the Harford County Airport, he received his A&P in 1994 and his IA in 1997. He has flown all over the world as a private charter pilot and came back to Harford County where he took over the old flight school in 1996, renaming it Harford Air. Kevin’s mission has always been to further aviation in Harford County by making flight training more enjoyable and accessible to everyone.
Kimberly Miller
Crystal Zellman
Charles Schulze

- Chief Flight Instructor
- Certified Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII
- Commercial Single and Multi-Engine Airplane
Originally from Montgomery County, MD, Charlie has been in Harford County since 1991. He began his aviation career as an Army aviator in 1983, achieving his military Instructor Pilot in Helicopters. In 1989 he received his Commercial Airplane and Helicopter ratings. He began teaching at Harford Air in 2012.
Duane Wallace

- Certified Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII
- Tailwheel Instructor
While not exactly a native, Duane has been a Harford County resident since the 1960’s. He began his flying career in Fallston, obtaining his Private Pilot Certificate in 1983 followed by his CFII in 2008. As a retired elementary school principal, he is continually learning and received his Rotorcraft Helicopter Certificate in 2014. He loves to teach and to fly!
Dave Kleponis Certified Flight Instructor, CFI, CFII | Erik Kotkas Assistant Chief Flight Instructor |
Jonathan Snyder
Jose Cruz Melendez
Charles Stephens | Ricky McKee |
Keith Kluge | Willis Morales |
Nick Hess
| Willis Morales
Jacob Pendergrast | |